
A few simple benchmarks can be found in the Genshi 0.6 release. I’ve written some TDI code for bench/ and bench/ See the chapters below for the code itself. Here are the results (CPython 2.7.3 on my box):

Name Basic Bigtable
Kid (+ cElementTree) 4.29 ms 759.89 ms
Genshi Template 2.05 ms 205.52 ms
Django template 1.53 ms 461.24 ms
cElementTree - 139.74 ms
Clearsilver 0.16 ms 54.27 ms
Mako 0.18 ms 35.94 ms
TDI 0.06 ms 20.05 ms
TDI (less readable) - 14.69 ms

Basic code

The following code was entered into

def tdi(dirname, verbose=False):
    from tdi import html
    template = html.from_files(['base.html', 'template.html'], basedir=dirname)
    class Model(dict):
        def render_title(self, node):
            node.content = self['title']
        def render_hello1(self, node):
            node.content = 'hello %s' % self['user']
        def render_hello2(self, node):
            node.content = 'hello me'
        def render_hello3(self, node):
            node.content = 'hello world'
        def render_items(self, node):
            items = self['items']
            if not items:
                return node.remove()
            for subnode, item in node.item.iterate(items):
                subnode.content = item
            subnode['class'] = 'last'

    def render():
        return template.render_string(Model(
            title='Just a test', user='joe',
            items=['Number %d' % num for num in range(1, 15)]
    if verbose:
        print render()
    return render

The templates are:


<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
    <title tdi="title"></title>
    <div id="header">
      <h1 tdi="title">...</h1>

    <tdi tdi:overlay="->content" />

    <div id="footer">

and tdi/template.html:

<!DOCTYPE html
    PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="" lang="en">
    <tdi tdi:overlay="<-content">
    <p tdi="hello1">hello</p>
    <p tdi="hello2">hello</p>
    <p tdi="hello3">hello</p>

      <ul tdi="items">
          <li tdi="item">...</li><li tdi=":-item">

Bigtable code

    from tdi import html as tdi
except ImportError:
    tdi = None

if tdi:
    tdi_tmpl = tdi.from_string("""
    <tr tdi="row">
        <td tdi="col"></td>
    class tdimodel(dict):
        def render_row(self, node):
            for rownode, row in node.iterate(self['table']):
                for colnode, col in rownode.col.iterate(row.itervalues()):
                    colnode.content = col

    def test_tdi(tdimodel=tdimodel):
        """TDI template"""

    class tdimodel_fast(dict):
        def render_row(self, node):
            def row_repeater(node, row):
                def col_repeater(node, col):
                    node.content = col
                node.col.repeat(col_repeater, row.itervalues())
                return True
            node.repeat(row_repeater, self['table'])

    def test_tdi_fast(tdimodel=tdimodel_fast):
        """TDI template (faster) """

    class tdimodel_cheat(dict):
        def render_row(self, node):
            for colnode, col in \
                colnode.content = col
            node.repeat(None, self['table'])

    def test_tdi_cheat(tdimodel=tdimodel_cheat):
        """TDI template (cheated)"""

test_tdi, test_tdi_fast and test_tdi_cheat were added to the run() function as well.

The cheating code (test_tdi_cheat) variant is incredibly fast (8.33 ms in the benchmark run above) and generates the correct HTML, but, well, it just generates the columns once and copies the whole row a thousand times. It effectively loops 1010 times instead of the 10000 times. I made it just for fun and because it’s possible, of course ;-)

The test_tdi and test_tdi_fast variants however do the right thing.