Source code for gensaschema._table

# -*- coding: ascii -*-
 Table inspection and representation

Table inspection and representation


 Copyright 2010 - 2023
 Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable


 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

__author__ = u"Andr\xe9 Malo"

import logging as _logging
import operator as _op
import re as _re
import warnings as _warnings

import sqlalchemy as _sa

from . import _column
from . import _constraint
from . import _util

logger = _logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class Table(object): """ Reflected table Attributes: varname (str): Variable name sa_table (sqlalchemy.Table): Table constraints (list): Constraint list _symbols (Symbols): Symbol table """ #: Is it a table reference (vs. a table)? #: #: :Type: bool is_reference = False
[docs] def __new__(cls, varname, table, schemas, symbols): """ Construct This might actually return a table reference Parameters: varname (str): Variable name table (sqlalchemy.Table): Table schemas (dict): Schema -> module mapping symbols (Symbols): Symbol table Returns: Table or TableReference: New instance """ if table.schema in schemas: return TableReference( varname, table, schemas[table.schema], symbols ) return super(Table, cls).__new__(cls)
[docs] def __init__(self, varname, table, schemas, symbols): """ Initialization Parameters: varname (str): Variable name table (sqlalchemy.Table): Table schemas (dict): Schema -> module mapping symbols (Symbols): Symbol table """ # pylint: disable = unused-argument symbols[u'table_%s' %] = varname self._symbols = symbols self.varname = varname self.sa_table = table self.constraints = list( filter( None, [ _constraint.Constraint( con, self.varname, self._symbols, ) for con in table.constraints ], ) )
[docs] @classmethod def by_name(cls, name, varname, metadata, schemas, symbols, types=None): """ Construct by name Parameters: name (str): Table name (possibly qualified) varname (str): Variable name of the table metadata (SA (bound) metadata): Metadata container schemas (dict): Schema -> module mapping symbols (Symbols): Symbol table types (callable): Extra type loader. If the type reflection fails, because SQLAlchemy cannot resolve it, the type loader will be called with the type name, (bound) metadata and the symbol table. It is responsible for modifying the symbols and imports *and* the dialect's ``ischema_names``. If omitted or ``None``, the reflector will always fail on unknown types. Returns: Table: new Table instance """ kwargs = {} if '.' in name: schema, name = name.split('.') kwargs['schema'] = schema else: schema = None tmatch = _re.compile(u"^Did not recognize type (.+) of column").match def type_name(e): """Extract type name from exception""" match = tmatch(e.args[0]) if match: type_name = if type_name.startswith(('"', "'")): type_name = type_name[1:-1] return type_name or None return None with _warnings.catch_warnings(): _warnings.filterwarnings( 'error', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=r'^Did not recognize type ', ) _warnings.filterwarnings( 'error', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=r'^Unknown column definition ', ) _warnings.filterwarnings( 'error', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=r'^Incomplete reflection of ' r'column definition', ) _warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=r'^Could not instantiate type ', ) _warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=r'^Skipped unsupported ' r'reflection of expression-based' r' index ', ) _warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=r'^Predicate of partial index ', ) seen = set() while True: try: table = _sa.Table( name, metadata, autoload_with=metadata.bind, **kwargs ) except _sa.exc.SAWarning as e: if types is not None: tname = type_name(e) if tname and tname not in seen: stack = [tname] while stack: try: types(stack[-1], metadata, symbols) except _sa.exc.SAWarning as exc: tname = type_name(exc) if ( tname and tname not in stack and tname not in seen ): stack.append(tname) continue raise else: seen.add(stack.pop()) continue raise else: break return cls(varname, table, schemas, symbols)
[docs] def __repr__(self): """ Make string representation Returns: str: The string representation """ args = [ repr(_column.Column.from_sa(col, self._symbols)) for col in self.sa_table.columns ] if self.sa_table.schema is not None: args.append('schema=%r' % (_util.unicode(self.sa_table.schema),)) args = ',\n '.join(args) if args: args = ',\n %s,\n' % args result = "%s(%r, %s%s)" % ( self._symbols['table'], _util.unicode(, self._symbols['meta'], args, ) if self.constraints: result = "\n".join( (result, '\n'.join(map(repr, sorted(self.constraints)))) ) return result
[docs]class TableReference(object): """ Referenced table Attributes: varname (str): Variable name sa_table (sqlalchemy.Table): Table constraints (list): Constraint list """ #: Is it a table reference (vs. a table)? #: #: :Type: bool is_reference = True
[docs] def __init__(self, varname, table, schema, symbols): """ Initialization Parameters: varname (str): Variable name table (sqlalchemy.Table): Table symbols (Symbols): Symbol table """ self.varname = varname self.sa_table = table self.constraints = [] pkg, mod = schema.rsplit('.', 1) if not mod.startswith('_'): modas = '_' + mod symbols.imports[schema] = 'from %s import %s as %s' % ( pkg, mod, modas, ) mod = modas else: symbols.imports[schema] = 'from %s import %s' % (pkg, mod) symbols[u'table_%s' %] = "%s.%s" % (mod, varname)
[docs]class TableCollection(tuple): """Table collection"""
[docs] @classmethod def by_names(cls, metadata, names, schemas, symbols, types=None): """ Construct by table names Parameters: metadata (sqlalchemy.MetaData): Metadata names (iterable): Name list (list of tuples (varname, name)) symbols (Symbols): Symbol table types (callable): Extra type loader. If the type reflection fails, because SQLAlchemy cannot resolve it, the type loader will be called with the type name, (bound) metadata and the symbol table. It is responsible for modifying the symbols and imports *and* the dialect's ``ischema_names``. If omitted or ``None``, the reflector will always fail on unknown types. Returns: TableCollection: New table collection instance """ objects = dict( (table.sa_table.key, table) for table in [ Table.by_name( name, varname, metadata, schemas, symbols, types=types ) for varname, name in names ] ) def map_table(sa_table): """Map SA table to table object""" if sa_table.key not in objects: varname = if _util.py2 and isinstance(varname, _util.unicode): varname = varname.encode('ascii') objects[sa_table.key] = Table( varname, sa_table, schemas, symbols ) return objects[sa_table.key] tables = list(map(map_table, metadata.tables.values())) tables.sort(key=lambda x: (not (x.is_reference), x.varname)) _break_cycles(metadata) seen = set() for table in tables: seen.add(table.sa_table.key) for con in table.constraints: # pylint: disable = unidiomatic-typecheck if type(con) == _constraint.ForeignKeyConstraint: if con.options == 'seen': continue remote_key = con.constraint.elements[0].column.table.key if remote_key not in seen: con.options = 'unseen: %s' % ( objects[remote_key].varname, ) remote_con = con.copy() remote_con.options = 'seen: %s' % (table.varname,) objects[remote_key].constraints.append(remote_con) return cls(tables)
[docs]def _break_cycles(metadata): """ Find foreign key cycles and break them apart Parameters: metadata (sqlalchemy.MetaData): Metadata """ def break_cycle(e): """Break foreign key cycle""" cycle_keys = set(map(_op.attrgetter('key'), e.cycles)) cycle_path = [ (parent, child) for parent, child in e.edges if parent.key in cycle_keys and child.key in cycle_keys ] deps = [cycle_path.pop()] while cycle_path: tmp = [] for parent, child in cycle_path: if parent == deps[-1][1]: deps.append((parent, child)) else: tmp.append((parent, child)) if len(tmp) == len(cycle_path): raise AssertionError("Could not construct sorted cycle path") cycle_path = tmp if deps[0][0].key != deps[-1][1].key: raise AssertionError("Could not construct sorted cycle path") deps = list(map(_op.itemgetter(0), deps)) first_dep = list(sorted(deps, key=_op.attrgetter('name')))[0] while first_dep != deps[-1]: deps = [deps[-1]] + deps[:-1] deps.reverse() logger.debug( "Found foreign key cycle: %s", " -> ".join([repr( for table in deps + [deps[0]]]), ) def visit_foreign_key(fkey): """Visit foreign key""" if fkey.column.table == deps[1]: fkey.use_alter = True fkey.constraint.use_alter = True _sa.sql.visitors.traverse( deps[0], dict(schema_visitor=True), dict( foreign_key=visit_foreign_key, ), ) while True: try: with _warnings.catch_warnings(): _warnings.filterwarnings( 'ignore', category=_sa.exc.SAWarning, message=(r'^Cannot correctly sort ' r'tables'), ) metadata.sorted_tables # pylint: disable = pointless-statement except _sa.exc.CircularDependencyError as e: break_cycle(e) else: break