Source code for gensaschema._type

# -*- coding: ascii -*-
 Type inspection and representation

Type inspection and representation.


 Copyright 2010 - 2023
 Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable


 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 You may obtain a copy of the License at

 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 limitations under the License.

__author__ = u"Andr\xe9 Malo"

import inspect as _inspect

import sqlalchemy as _sa

_have_signature = hasattr(_inspect, 'signature')

[docs]class Type(object): """ Type container Attributes: _ctype (SA type): Column type _dialect (str): Dialect name _symbols (Symbols): Symbol table """
[docs] def __init__(self, ctype, dialect_name, symbols): """ Initialization Parameters: ctype (SA type): Column type dialect_name (str): Dialect name symbols (Symbols): Symbol table """ self._ctype = _finalize_type(ctype, dialect_name, symbols) self._dialect = dialect_name self._symbols = symbols
[docs] @classmethod def by_column(cls, column, symbols): """ Construct by SA column Parameters: column (SA column): SA column Returns: Type: New Type instance """ return cls( column.type,, symbols, )
[docs] def __repr__(self): # noqa: C901 """ Make string representation Returns: str: The string representation """ # pylint: disable = too-many-branches, too-many-statements unset = object() try: try: custom_repr = self._symbols.types.instance_repr[self._ctype] except (KeyError, TypeError): try: custom_repr = self._symbols.types.instance_repr[ self._ctype.__class__ ] except (KeyError, TypeError): custom_repr = self._symbols.types.instance_repr[ self._ctype.__class__.__name__ ] except (KeyError, TypeError): pass else: return custom_repr(self._ctype, self._dialect, self._symbols) mod = self._symbols.types.resolve(self._ctype, self._dialect) params = [] if _have_signature: try: # pylint: disable = no-member sign = _inspect.signature(self._ctype.__init__) except (TypeError, ValueError): pass else: varargs, kwds = None, False for arg in sign.parameters.values(): if arg.kind == arg.VAR_POSITIONAL: varargs = arg continue elif arg.kind == arg.VAR_KEYWORD: continue value = getattr(self._ctype,, unset) if value is unset: continue if arg.default is not arg.empty and arg.default == value: kwds = arg.kind != arg.POSITIONAL_ONLY continue if isinstance(value, _sa.types.TypeEngine): rvalue = repr( self.__class__( value, self._dialect, self._symbols ) ) else: rvalue = repr(value) if kwds: params.append('%s=%s' % (, rvalue)) else: params.append(rvalue) if not kwds and varargs is not None: if ( _find_class(self._ctype, '__init__') is not _sa.types.TypeEngine ): params.extend( list( map( repr, getattr(self._ctype,, ()), ) ) ) else: try: # pylint: disable = deprecated-method # pylint: disable = no-member spec = _inspect.getargspec(self._ctype.__init__) except TypeError: pass else: defaults = dict(zip(spec[0][::-1], (spec[3] or ())[::-1])) kwds = False for arg in spec[0][1:]: value = getattr(self._ctype, arg, unset) if value is unset: continue if arg in defaults and defaults[arg] == value: kwds = True continue if isinstance(value, _sa.types.TypeEngine): rvalue = repr( self.__class__( value, self._dialect, self._symbols ) ) else: rvalue = repr(value) if kwds: params.append('%s=%s' % (arg, rvalue)) else: params.append(rvalue) if not kwds and spec[1] is not None: if ( _find_class(self._ctype, '__init__') is not _sa.types.TypeEngine ): params.extend( list(map(repr, getattr(self._ctype, spec[1]))) ) params = ', '.join(params) if params: params = "(%s)" % (params,) return "%s.%s%s" % (mod, self._ctype.__class__.__name__, params)
[docs]def _finalize_type(ctype, dialect, symbols): """ Finalize type definitions and modifications :TODO: should be generalized at some point in the future. """ if dialect == 'postgresql': if ctype.__class__.__name__ == 'ENUM': _add_postgres_enum(ctype, symbols) return ctype
[docs]def _add_postgres_enum(ctype, symbols): """Add postgres enum""" if ctype in symbols.types.instance_repr: return esymbol = "enum_%s" % (,) def define(_, symbols): return ["%s = %s.%r" % (esymbol, symbols["type"], ctype)] def custom_repr(*_): return esymbol symbols.types.defines.append(define) symbols.types.instance_repr[ctype] = custom_repr
[docs]def _find_class(first_cls, name): """ Find class where a method is defined Parameters: first_cls (type): Class to start with name (str): Method name Returns: type: class or ``None`` """ if not isinstance(first_cls, type): first_cls = first_cls.__class__ for cls in _inspect.getmro(first_cls): # pragma: no branch if name in cls.__dict__: return cls return None