Package svnmailer :: Package notifier :: Module _textmail :: Class TextMailNotifier
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Class TextMailNotifier

  object --+            
BaseNotifier --+        
    TextNotifier --+    
        MailNotifier --+

Known Subclasses:

Bases class for textual mail notifiers
Method Summary
file _getMailWriter(self, fp)
Returns a mail writer
list of _TextMail _getTextMails(self, charset, enc)
Returns the text mail(s)
tuple composeMail(self)
Composes the mail
  sendMail(self, sender, to_addr, mail)
Sends the mail (abstract method)
    Inherited from MailNotifier
  __init__(self, config, groupset, *args, **kwargs)
unicode _getPathString(self, prefix, paths)
Returns the (possibly) prefixed paths as string
unicode _getPrefixedDirectories(self, changeset)
Returns the longest common directory prefix
unicode _getPrefixedFiles(self, changeset)
Returns the longest common path prefix
tuple composeHeaders(self, groups)
Compose the informational headers of the mail
dict getBasicHeaders(self)
Returns the basic headers
dict getCustomHeaders(self, groups)
Returns the custom headers
tuple getMailAddresses(self, groups)
Returns the substituted mail addresses (from/to/reply-to)
generator getMails(self)
Returns the composed mail(s)
unicode getMailSubject(self, countprefix)
Returns the subject
unicode getTransferEncoding(self)
Returns the transfer encoding to use
Send notification as mail
Writes the whole diff notification body
    Inherited from TextNotifier
  _doWritePathList(self, set)
Write the path list of a particular changeset
str getDate(self, oftime)
Returns the revision date in a human readable format
  writeContentDiff(self, change, raw)
Writes the content diff for a particular change
str writeContentDiffAction(self, change)
Writes the content diff action for a particular change
  writeDiff(self, token, name1, name2, value1, value2, isfile, rec1, rec2, time)
Writes a diff
Writes the commit diffs
Writes the locking metadata
Writes the commit metadata output
  writePathInfo(self, change)
Writes a short info about the kind of change
Writes the commit path list
  writePropertyDiff(self, token, name, value1, value2, time, raw)
Writes a property diff
str writePropertyDiffAction(self, change, name, values, diff_tokens)
Writes the property diff action for a particular change
  writePropertyDiffs(self, diff_tokens, change, raw)
Writes the property diffs for a particular change
  writeRevPropData(self, raw)
Writes the revision property change data
    Inherited from BaseNotifier
str _getContentEncoding(self, path, revision)
Returns the encoding for the specified path and revision
tuple dumpContent(self, change, enc, default)
Dump the two revisions of a particular change
str getAuthor(self)
Returns the author of the revision
  getBrowserGenerator(self, config)
Returns the browser generator if any
unicode getContentDiffAction(self, change)
Returns the content diff action for a particular change
str getContentDiffUrl(self, config, change)
Returns the content diff url for a particular change
str getContentEncodingProperty(self, path, revision)
Returns the content encoding property for a path/rev
tuple getContentEncodings(self, change, default)
Returns the encodings of the change content (base and current rev)
svnmailer.differ.* getDiffer(self, command, tags)
Returns the initialized differ
tuple getDiffTokens(self, config)
Returns valid diff tokens and tests
str getEncodingFromMimeType(self, path, revision)
Returns the encoding extracted from svn:mime-type
str getLog(self)
Returns the log entry of the revision
unicode getPropertyDiffAction(self, values)
Returns the property diff action for a particular change
unicode or str getTempDir(self)
Returns the temporary directory
svnmailer.util.TempFile getTempFile(self)
Returns an open temporary file container object
int getTime(self)
Returns the time of the revision in seconds since epoch
str getUrl(self, config)
Returns the revision URL
bool isBinaryProperty(self, values)
Returns if the supplied property seems to be binary
bool isOneLineProperty(self, name, value)
Returns if the supplied property value takes just one line
bool isUTF8Property(self, name)
Returns if the supplied property name represents an UTF-8 property
    Inherited from object
x.__delattr__('name') <==> del
x.__getattribute__('name') <==>
x.__hash__() <==> hash(x)...
helper for pickle...
helper for pickle...
x.__repr__() <==> repr(x)...
x.__setattr__('name', value) <==> = value...
x.__str__() <==> str(x)...
    Inherited from type
  __new__(T, S, ...)
T.__new__(S, ...) -> a new object with type S, a subtype of T...

Instance Variable Summary
    Inherited from MailNotifier
sre pattern or None _header_re: Pattern for header name checking
    Inherited from TextNotifier
list changeset: The list of changes to process
svnmailer.settings._base.GroupSettingsContainer config: The group config
svnmailer.differ.* differ: The differ object
file like object fp: The file to write to
    Inherited from BaseNotifier
svnmailer.main.GroupSet _groupset: The groupset to process
dict _penc_cache: The (path, rev) -> property encoding cache
svnmailer.settings._base.BaseSettings _settings: The settings to use

Class Variable Summary
list __implements__ = [<class 'svnmailer.notifier._mail.MailN...
    Inherited from MailNotifier
unicode COMMIT_SUBJECT: Default commit event subject template
unicode LOCK_SUBJECT: Default lock event subject template
unicode REVPROP_SUBJECT: Default revprop-change event subject template
unicode UNLOCK_SUBJECT: Default unlock event subject template
    Inherited from TextNotifier
str OUTPUT_SEPARATOR: the separator between headline and diff
str OUTPUT_SEPARATOR_LIGHT: the separator between headline and property diff
    Inherited from BaseNotifier
tuple _diffable_tests: Maps generate_diffs list entrys to change methods
unicode ADD: "add" token
unicode COPY: "copy" token
unicode DELETE: "delete" token
str ENC_CONFIG: Magic value, meaning that the content encoding should be retrieved from the config
str ENC_DEFAULT: Magic value to determine if the default encoding should be displayed
str ENC_PROPERTY: The property name, where encodings could be stored
unicode MODIFY: "modify" token
unicode NONE: "none" token
unicode PROPCHANGE: "propchange" token

Method Details

_getMailWriter(self, fp)

Returns a mail writer
fp - The stream to wrap
The file object

_getTextMails(self, charset, enc)

Returns the text mail(s)
charset - The mail charset
enc - transfer encoding token
The mail(s)
           (type=list of _TextMail)


Composes the mail
The senders, the receivers, the mail(s)

sendMail(self, sender, to_addr, mail)

Sends the mail (abstract method)

Class Variable Details


[<class 'svnmailer.notifier._mail.MailNotifier'>]                      

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sun Sep 25 20:49:19 2005