Package svnmailer :: Package notifier :: Module cia_xmlrpc
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Module svnmailer.notifier.cia_xmlrpc

This notifier delivers a notification message in XML format to a CIA server. The data delivered contains in particular:

The notifier runs only in the post-commit hook. For activation you need to supply the cia_rpc_server option in [general] and at least a cia_project_name in the group that should be tracked by CIA.

Function Summary
list getNotifier(config, groupset)
Returns an initialized notifier or nothing

Function Details

getNotifier(config, groupset)

Returns an initialized notifier or nothing
config - The svnmailer config
groupset - The groupset to process
The list of notifiers (containing 0 or 1 member)

Generated by Epydoc 2.0 on Sun Sep 25 20:49:02 2005