Package wtf :: Package app :: Module response :: Class Response
[hide private]
[frames] | no frames]

Class Response

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object --+

Main response object
Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, request, start_response)
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__getattr__(self, name)
Resolve unknown attributes
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status(self, status=None, reason=None)
Set/get response status
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cookie(self, name, value, path='/', expires=None, max_age=None, domain=None, secure=None, comment=None, version=None, codec=None)
Set response cookie
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content_type(self, ctype=None, charset=None)
Set/get response content type
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content_length(self, length)
Add content length information
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last_modified(self, last_modified)
Add last-modified information
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cache(self, expiry, audience=None)
Add cache information
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raise_error(self, status, **param)
Raise an HTTP error
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raise_redirect(self, location, status=302)
Raise HTTP redirect
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raise_basic_auth(self, realm, message=None)
Raise a 401 error for HTTP Basic authentication
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
tuple _status = None
Tuple of status and reason phrase ((int, 'reason'))
HeaderCollection headers
Response header collection.
callable write
Response body writer.
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, request, start_response)

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Overrides: object.__init__

__getattr__(self, name)
(Qualification operator)

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Resolve unknown attributes

We're looking for special env variables inserted by the middleware stack: wtf.response.<name>. These are expected to be factories, which are lazily initialized with the response object and return the actual attribute, which is cached in the response object for further use.

  • name (str) - The name to look up
Returns: any
The attribute in question
  • AttributeError - Attribute could not be resolved

status(self, status=None, reason=None)

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Set/get response status
  • status (int) - Response status code
  • reason (str) - Reason phrase
Returns: tuple
Tuple of previous status and reason phrase ((int, 'reason'))

cookie(self, name, value, path='/', expires=None, max_age=None, domain=None, secure=None, comment=None, version=None, codec=None)

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Set response cookie

  • name (str) - Cookie name
  • value (str) - Cookie value (if a codec is given, the type should be applicable for the codec encoder).
  • path (str) - Valid URL base path for the cookie. It should always be set to a reasonable path (at least /), otherwise the cookie will only be valid for the current URL and below.
  • expires (datetime.datetime) - Expire time of the cookie. If unset or None the cookie is dropped when the browser is closed. See also the max_age parameter.
  • max_age (int) - Max age of the cookie in seconds. If set, make sure it matches the expiry time. The difference is that expires will be transformed to a HTTP date, while max-age will stay an integer. The expires parameter is the older one and better understood by the clients out there. For that reason if you set max_age only, expires will be set automatically to now + max_age. If unset or None the cookie will be dropped when the browser is closed.
  • domain (str) - Valid domain
  • secure (bool) - Whether this is an SSL-only cookie or not
  • comment (str) - Cookie comment
  • version (int) - Cookie spec version. See RFC 2965
  • codec (CookieCodecInterface) - Cookie codec to apply. If unset or None, the codec specified in the application configuration is applied.

content_type(self, ctype=None, charset=None)

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Set/get response content type
  • ctype (str) - Content-Type
  • charset (str) - Charset
Returns: str
Full previous content type header (maybe None)

content_length(self, length)

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Add content length information
  • length (int) - The expected length in octets

last_modified(self, last_modified)

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Add last-modified information
  • last_modified (datetime.datetime) - Last modification date (UTC)

cache(self, expiry, audience=None)

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Add cache information
  • expiry (int) - Expiry time in seconds from now
  • audience (str) - Caching audience; private or public

raise_error(self, status, **param)

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Raise an HTTP error
  • status (int) - Status code
  • param (dict) - Additional parameters for the accompanying class in http_response. The request object is passed automagically.
  • KeyError - The status code is not available
  • HTTPResponse - The requested HTTP exception

raise_redirect(self, location, status=302)

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Raise HTTP redirect
  • location (str) - URL to redirect to
  • status (int) - Response code

raise_basic_auth(self, realm, message=None)

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Raise a 401 error for HTTP Basic authentication
  • realm (str) - The realm to authenticate
  • message (str) - Optional default overriding message

Instance Variable Details [hide private]


Response header collection. The headers are flushed autmatically before the fist write call or the returned iterable is passed to the WSGI layer below. The headers can't be changed anymore after that (the collection object will emit a warning in case you attempt to do that)


Response body writer. You are not forced to use it. In fact, it's recommended to not use it but return an iterator over the response body instead (as WSGI takes it)