Package tdi :: Module _util
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Source Code for Module tdi._util

  1  # -*- coding: ascii -*- 
  2  r""" 
  3  :Copyright: 
  5   Copyright 2006 - 2015 
  6   Andr\xe9 Malo or his licensors, as applicable 
  8  :License: 
 10   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 
 11   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 
 12   You may obtain a copy of the License at 
 16   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
 17   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 
 18   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 
 19   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 
 20   limitations under the License. 
 22  ================ 
 23   Misc Utilities 
 24  ================ 
 26  Misc utilities. 
 27  """ 
 28  if __doc__: 
 29      # pylint: disable = redefined-builtin 
 30      __doc__ = __doc__.encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') 
 31  __author__ = r"Andr\xe9 Malo".encode('ascii').decode('unicode_escape') 
 32  __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" 
 34  import inspect as _inspect 
37 -def find_public(space):
38 """ 39 Determine all public names in space 40 41 :Parameters: 42 `space` : ``dict`` 43 Name space to inspect 44 45 :Return: List of public names 46 :Rtype: ``list`` 47 """ 48 if '__all__' in space: 49 return list(space['__all__']) 50 return [key for key in space.keys() if not key.startswith('_')]
51 52
53 -def Property(func):
54 """ 55 Property with improved docs handling 56 57 :Parameters: 58 `func` : ``callable`` 59 The function providing the property parameters. It takes no arguments 60 as returns a dict containing the keyword arguments to be defined for 61 ``property``. The documentation is taken out the function by default, 62 but can be overridden in the returned dict. 63 64 :Return: The requested property 65 :Rtype: ``property`` 66 """ 67 # pylint: disable = invalid-name 68 69 kwargs = func() 70 kwargs.setdefault('doc', func.__doc__) 71 kwargs = kwargs.get 72 return property( 73 fget=kwargs('fget'), 74 fset=kwargs('fset'), 75 fdel=kwargs('fdel'), 76 doc=kwargs('doc'), 77 )
78 79
80 -def decorating(decorated, extra=None):
81 """ 82 Create decorator for designating decorators. 83 84 :Parameters: 85 `decorated` : function 86 Function to decorate 87 88 `extra` : ``dict`` 89 Dict of consumed keyword parameters (not existing in the originally 90 decorated function), mapping to their defaults. If omitted or 91 ``None``, no extra keyword parameters are consumed. The arguments 92 must be consumed by the actual decorator function. 93 94 :Return: Decorator 95 :Rtype: ``callable`` 96 """ 97 def flat_names(args): 98 """ Create flat list of argument names """ 99 for arg in args: 100 if isinstance(arg, basestring): 101 yield arg 102 else: 103 for arg in flat_names(arg): 104 yield arg
105 name = decorated.__name__ 106 try: 107 dargspec = argspec = _inspect.getargspec(decorated) 108 except TypeError: 109 dargspec = argspec = ([], 'args', 'kwargs', None) 110 if extra: 111 keys = extra.keys() 112 argspec[0].extend(keys) 113 defaults = list(argspec[3] or ()) 114 for key in keys: 115 defaults.append(extra[key]) 116 argspec = (argspec[0], argspec[1], argspec[2], defaults) 117 118 # assign a name for the proxy function. 119 # Make sure it's not already used for something else (function 120 # name or argument) 121 counter, proxy_name = -1, 'proxy' 122 names = dict.fromkeys(flat_names(argspec[0])) 123 names[name] = None 124 while proxy_name in names: 125 counter += 1 126 proxy_name = 'proxy%s' % counter 127 128 def inner(decorator): 129 """ Actual decorator """ 130 # Compile wrapper function 131 space = {proxy_name: decorator} 132 if argspec[3]: 133 kwnames = argspec[0][-len(argspec[3]):] 134 else: 135 kwnames = None 136 passed = _inspect.formatargspec( 137 argspec[0], argspec[1], argspec[2], kwnames, 138 formatvalue=lambda value: '=' + value 139 ) 140 exec "def %s%s: return %s%s" % ( # pylint: disable = exec-used 141 name, _inspect.formatargspec(*argspec), proxy_name, passed 142 ) in space 143 wrapper = space[name] 144 wrapper.__dict__ = decorated.__dict__ 145 wrapper.__doc__ = decorated.__doc__ 146 if extra and decorated.__doc__ is not None: 147 if not decorated.__doc__.startswith('%s(' % name): 148 wrapper.__doc__ = "%s%s\n\n%s" % ( 149 name, 150 _inspect.formatargspec(*dargspec), 151 decorated.__doc__, 152 ) 153 return wrapper 154 155 return inner 156