Package svnmailer :: Module typedstruct
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Module typedstruct

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Typed Data Structures

This module provides helpers for creating typed data structures.

Basic Usage

In order to create a new data structure, you inherit from Struct and define the members like so (the booleans are explained later):

   class MyStruct(typedstruct.Struct):
       __slots__ = typedstruct.members(locals(), {
           'name1': None,
           # ... and/or ...
           'name2': <type>,
           # ... and/or ...
           'name3': (<type>, <param>),

If there are no fixed types at all (always None, you can still benefit from the features of the Struct class and further write it a bit simpler:

   class MyStruct(typedstruct.Struct):
       __slots__ = typedstruct.members(locals(), (
           'name1', 'name2', ...

Well, the main reason for using the Struct class is to get some level of type safety and automatic conversion without a complex written definition of property for each and every member (it uses some property like descriptors internally, however). This encapsulates a lot of ugly logic and error handling (more or less) into a single piece of code and makes the member definitions much easier to read and maintain. For example, you can create a struct member of type regex. Now you assign a string to this member and it is automatically compiled to a regex, which you get, if you retrieve the value later. As you'll see, the regex type needs to be defined as a class which should be inherited from the MemberDescriptor class and assigned to the regex type name via a type mapping dict:

   class RegexMember(typedstruct.MemberDescriptor):
       def transform(self, value, arg):
           import re
           return re.compile(value)
   # ...
   typemap = {'regex': RegexMember}
   # ...
   class MyStruct(typedstruct.Struct):
       __slots__ = typedstruct.members(locals(), {
           'checker': 'regex',
       }, typemap = typemap)
   # ...
   store = MyStruct()
   store.checker = r'[a-zA-Z]$'
   # ...
   if store.checker.match(stringtocheck):
       # do something


Member names must be valid python identifiers. Further all names starting and ending with underscores are reserved for Struct's or python's own purposes.

Author: Andr\xc3\xa9 Malo

Classes [hide private]
Base class for members descriptors
General structure stub
Private container class for Struct internals
Base class for struct descriptors
_set_ descriptor
_sub_ descriptor
_members_ descriptor
_dict_ descriptor
Functions [hide private]
members(space, the_members, aliases=None, typemap=None)
supply the member and slot entries
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Variables [hide private]
  __package__ = 'svnmailer'
Function Details [hide private]

members(space, the_members, aliases=None, typemap=None)

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supply the member and slot entries

  • space (dict) - The namespace to pollute
  • the_members (tuple or dict) - The member list / description
  • aliases (dict) - The member name aliases
  • typemap (dict) - The type mapping table
Returns: list
The list of __slots__ to use.