Package wtf :: Module config :: Class Parser
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Class Parser

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object --+

Simplified config file parser

The ConfigParser module does too much magic (partially not even documented). Further we don't need all the set and save stuff here, so we write our own - clean - variant. This variant just reads the stuff and does not apply any typing or transformation. It also uses a better design...

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, config, charset='latin-1')
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parse(self, fp, filename, _included=None)
Reads from fp until EOF and parses line by line
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_cast(self, section)
Cast the options of a section to python types
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_is_comment(self, line)
Decide if line is comment
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_try_section(self, line)
Try to extract a section header from line
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_parse_option(self, line)
Parse line as option (name [:=] value)
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Make a new Section instance
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_make_option(self, valuelist)
Make a new option value
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Instance Variables [hide private]
str _charset
Default config charset
Config _config
Config instance to feed
Properties [hide private]

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, config, charset='latin-1')

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  • config (Config) - Config instance
  • charset (str) - Default config charset
Overrides: object.__init__

parse(self, fp, filename, _included=None)

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Reads from fp until EOF and parses line by line
  • fp (file) - The stream to read from
  • filename (basestring) - The filename used for relative includes and error messages
  • _included (set) - Set of already included filenames for recursion check

_cast(self, section)

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Cast the options of a section to python types
  • section (Section) - The section to process

_is_comment(self, line)

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Decide if line is comment
  • line (str) - The line to inspect
Returns: bool
Is line is comment line?

_try_section(self, line)

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Try to extract a section header from line
  • line (str) - The line to process
Returns: str
The section header name or None

_parse_option(self, line)

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Parse line as option (name [:=] value)
  • line (str) - The line to process
Returns: tuple
The name and the value (both None if an error occured)


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Make a new Section instance
Returns: Section
The new Section instance

_make_option(self, valuelist)

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Make a new option value

The function will do the right thing[tm] in order to determine the correct option type based on valuelist.

  • valuelist (list) - List of values of that option
Returns: any
Option type appropriate for the valuelist